Maintaining a property can feel like a full-time job. With preventative maintenance and regular repairs, it seems like there is always something needing to be done. It can be difficult to prioritize what to take care of with limited resources. However, there is one type of property damage that should always be addressed right away. These are the damages that can lead to personal injury. Here are three common examples.
Broken Stairs
The United States sees a staggering 1 million stairway injuries every year. Sadly, 12,000 people die annually from stairway accidents. In fact, stairway injuries are second only to automobile accidents as far as sheer number goes. The likelihood of an accident occurring on a stairway goes up dramatically when the stairs, guard rail, or handrail is in disrepair. Missing or broken guard rail posts are a falling hazard for young children.
A poorly attached handrail can suddenly detach and cause a devastating backward fall. Furthermore, broken, missing, crumbling, or patchy steps make falls much more likely to occur. Inspect your stairs regularly and repair anything that is amiss right away.
Faulty Garage Doors
Garage doors cause 30,000 injuries every year. These doors are extremely heavy and are generally held up by relatively small springs. If those springs snap, the door will come crashing down–hopefully not on someone passing under. It is vital to keep your garage doors in good repair.
Additionally, refrain from walking under an automatic garage door as it is opening or closing. You never know when the springs will snap, causing the door to speed down on your head. Also, make sure children understand that garage doors should never be used as a toy.
A Leaky AC Unit
Most people are aware of the dangers of carbon monoxide, but few people realize that a leaky AC unit is just as dangerous as a leaky furnace. Leaky AC units lead to refrigerant poisoning. Freon in the air can damage your heart, cause seizures, and wreak havoc on your respiratory system. Prolonged exposure can even cause death. Luckily, you can solve the problem with a freon leak repair kit.
Keeping your home in good repair is about more than just aesthetics. More importantly, it ensures that your home is a safe place for you and the people you love. If there is something that needs to be addressed at your home, take care of it now before someone gets hurt!
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