Energy bills can quickly become out of control during extreme heat or cold weather, especially if you don’t properly prepare and inspect your home. In many instances, individuals are overpaying for the electricity they use. Knowing how to reduce your bill can go a long way when it comes time to calculate your annual spending.
Energy-Efficient Appliances
Investing in energy-efficient appliances is not only a way to cut down on the amount of energy you are using on a daily basis, but it can significantly reduce the amount you pay for electricity each month. When shopping for upgrades or new energy-efficient appliances, electronics and fixtures, be sure to seek out ENERGY STAR® rated appliances and products.
Swap out old outdated light bulbs with LED light bulbs to cut down on the cost of generating illumination throughout your house. Using a programmable thermostat can allow you to set the right temperature when you’re away from home. Kiwi Energy recommends programmable thermostats that are also ENERGY STAR® rated for the best quality possible.
Seal Your Home
Sealing your home properly is essential when your goal is to cut down on your energy use and electric bill. Without properly sealing your home you allow both hot and cool air to escape, requiring more effort from your furnace or air conditioning unit. This subjects your equipment to needless additional wear, wastes energy and increases the cost of your utility bills.
Proper Maintenance Matters
Home Selfe advises that maintaining your home’s appliances is extremely important, especially if your goal is to reduce energy waste while simultaneously cutting down on your utility bill. With proper maintenance and an annual tune-up, your heating and cooling equipment will operate more efficiently and cost less to run. Without it, appliances are much more likely to break down, costing you even more in repairs and replacements.
Always be sure to maintain your home’s HVAC equipment, especially if you live in a climate that changes rapidly throughout the year. Maintaining your home’s appliances is the smart move. Over both the short and the long run, you’ll find that this investment saves you money. It can also help you prevent a costly disaster.
You don’t have to allow your energy bills to continue to rise uncontrollably, especially once you have determined the culprit that is causing them to skyrocket. Preparing your home, investing in energy-efficient appliances and maintaining your current equipment will contribute to lowering your utility bill.
Maintaining is cheaper than repairing. Find out what your home needs with a home-inspection. Click here to learn more!